Reviewed: Feb 2021
- The Club shall be called TRIMLEY RED DEVILS FOOTBALL CLUB and shall be affiliated to the Suffolk County F. A.
- The objects of the Club, shall be to provide football for youths and adults and such social and recreational pursuits as may be deemed desirable by the General Committee.
- The officers of the Club shall consist of.-
a) | Club Chairman | e) | President | |
b) | Vice Chairman | f) | Vice President (1) | |
c) | Club Secretary | g) | Vice President (2) | |
d) | Club Treasurer | h) | Honorary Presidents |
The above, except for the Honorary Presidents, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, with nominations being made to the secretary 3 weeks prior to the AGM. The position of Honorary Presidents will not constitute Officers of the club and are invited by Officers of the Club as non voting members of the committee.
- The General Committee shall consist of
- The Officers as in 3 above
- One nominated member from each Sub-committee age group
- The Club Welfare Officer
- Coaching Development co-ordinator
Each age group may elect a Sub-committee, which may consist of :
- a) Chairman
- b) Secretary
- c) Treasurer
- Team Manager
- Assistant Manager
The General Committee shall meet six times during the year, in March, May, June, July, September and December, and these meetings shall be minuted by the Club Secretary. A minimum of 60% General Committee members shall form a quorum.
Each Sub-committee member serving on the General Committee shall have one vote and the Club Chairman shall have a casting vote if necessary.
The Club Vice Chairman, Club Secretary, Club Treasurer, President and Vice Presidents 1 & 2 shall be allowed a vote on the General Committee.
Each team must be represented at the monthly meetings, failure to attend two consecutive meetings will result in disciplinary action being taken.
- Age group Sub-committees shall not be elected at the Annual General Meeting, but shall be elected separately and independently by the respective age group organisations. Each age group Sub-committee shall be responsible for its own functioning and financial control, including League Membership, player registration, fund raising, discipline and general running/organisation policies.
Each Sub-committee Treasurer shall keep a proper set of accounts for submitting to the General Treasurer at the A.G.M. All accounts shall be complete with receipts and bills and full details of expenses. Accounts shall be audited annually before being submitted to the A.G.M. Each Sub-committee Secretary shall keep a proper record of games played, results and selected teams, together with all other relevant activities and documentation, for inspection by the officers of the Club, annually.
- Each age group shall contribute a fee per Team annually to the Central Club Fund, to be decided by the Committee. This sum shall be paid not later than the 1st day of October. Proper receipts of income and expenditure of the Club Fund shall be kept by the Club Treasurer. The Club Fund shall be available for use by any age group Sub-committee upon written request and sanction of the General Committee. The Club Fund amount shall be kept in reserve, and the period of repayment of any monies borrowed shall be determined by the General Committee. Any team raising funds under the Trimley Red Devils name should contribute an agreed-percentage to the Club Central Fund.
- The property and/or assets of the Cub shall be vested in the officers and the nominated General Committee members. The General Committee shall have power to appoint further Sub-committee from time to time, as may be deemed necessary. The General Committee shall have power to suspend or expel any member deemed guilty of conduct prejudicial to the good name of the Club. The General Committee shall have power to fill such vacancies as may arise in its constitution between Annual General Meetings.
- Membership shall consist of affiliated playing members in each age group. In accordance with the current FA Laws for non 11 a side teams, where the current Laws apply for specific age groups, players must play with and against players only from their own age range. For non adult 11 a side teams, no more than 2 players are allowed to be registered to be playing above their natural age group and any special dispensation can only be granted by the full committee. A full register of members shall be kept by the General Secretary and revised annually. In the event of non-payment of subscriptions by any member, membership may be terminated after a written warning.
- The Club colours shall be standardised and be predominantly red. The Committee shall determine the kit design that teams purchase. Change colours will be at the discretion of the Committee. All kit and equipment will remain the property of the Club.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the end of June in each year. The General Secretary shall give 21 clear days notice of such a meeting to all members via the age group Sub-committee. Voting at the Annual General Meeting shall be one parental vote per team.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the General Committee if deemed desirable, or upon a written request from an age group Sub-committee Secretary to the Club Secretary. The Club Secretary shall give 7 clear days notice to all members via the age group Sub-committee.
- The Finances of each age group shall be banked at the discretion of the various Sub committees and the General Committee. (Each Committee shall authorise cheques to be signed by two of its members). Each account shall be in the name of TRIMLEY RED DEVILS FOOTBALL CLUB and numbered.
The General Committee shall allocate Account numbers to individual teams.
The allocated account shall remain with the team until its final year or as deemed by the Club Treasurer.
All team’s Account sheets must be kept up to date and a copy provided each month to the Club Treasurer, for reconciliation to the monthly bank account statements. If a team fails to provide a copy of their account sheet within 30 days of the end of each month, that team’s account and all monies held will be taken under permanent control by the Club Treasurer.
- No alteration to the Rules of the Club shall be made, except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose, and only if supported by a majority of those present and voting at such a meeting. Notice of proposed alteration to the Rules of the Club must be given to the Club Secretary in writing by any Sub-committee Secretary at least 30 clear days in advance of the
proposed A.G.M. or Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of any proposed alteration to the Rules of the Club must be notified to all members via the Sub-committee at the time of notification of the A.G.M. or Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Any matters not governed by the foregoing Rules of the Club shall be dealt with by the General Committee or Sub-committee as applicable. The decision of the appropriate Committee shall be final.
- The Club will also abide by The FA’s Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy as shall be in place from time to time.
- A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present. The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Club Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club. Any surplus assets remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall be transferred to another Club, a Competition, the Parent County Association or The FA for use by them for related community sports.